Better then a Dream
Isn't it usually the way in life that things never live up to your expectations? You dream about that perfect vacation, or plan that perfect meal, and then, while its all so wonderful and you enjoy, its never quite what you hoped it would be..
Well that has all come to an end for me. My Life is now and forever better then I could have ever dreamed it. I laid in bed this morning, remembering how I spent 2004 hoping and dreaming about a life with K and what it would be like. Then I looked at the facts and its 2006 and everything is better and more wonderful then I could have imagined.
Yesterday was the perfect Valentines Day even if I am fighting a bit of a cold and we both had to work. (see? perfect isn't always what you think it should be) I put in for a sick day today so that made last night even more relaxing. When we got home we exchanged cards and K had gotten me the awesome little gift of my favorite undies from Victoria's Secret and sleep pants with hearts all over them. 8-) I had only a card for her but that is because my gift is Tickets to see Momix at the Tennessee Theatre tonight. I know how much she enjoys dance. So last night's fun was dinner at our favorite resturant instead. Then there was a little candlelight 'cuddling' at home and watching our favorite TV show; House M.D. This morning we got to "wake each other up" in the best way possible since there was no rush for me to get out the door.
Anyway, after K left for work it hit me. My life is soooooo wonderful and I am happier then I ever thought I could be. Everything in our day to day lives is better then the best because we have each other to share it with. It doesnt have to be major event filled days either, just being together is what it is all about....
I am truly blessed.