Totem Animals
My spiritual quest as drawn me down the Native American trail and I am feeling very much at home *grin. One of the things I feel a connection to is my Totem Animals. I didn't realize until I began studing more about them, that I actually have 9 Animal Guides. I have known for many years that Red Tailed Hawk was my right-hand and Main totem animal but I now realize that Giraffe is on my left-hand side and guides my feminine energy. Now I understand why I am so drawn to them.
Anyway I asked the spirits for guidance and they revealed to me my other 7 Totem Animals. They are:
Badger to the East
Spider to the South
Raven to the West
Armadillo to the North
Dog - Above
Wild Boar - Below
and Coyote - Within.
I was pretty surprised with some of these results, but it is about what they have to Teach Me, not whether I like them or think about them much. In time though I feel I will draw closer to them in some ways, if I leave myself open to what they have to show me.
Spider is one of the interesting ones because I am somewhat afraid of Spiders. However the South protects the Child within and helps to balance out your personality. Spider's strength as a totem is creativity and she represents infinite possiblities with her body shaped like an eight and her legs representing the 4 directions and the 4 parts of the wheel of time.
So in honor of this guide of mine, today I wrote a poem. I call it
ArachnoLove ( a play on acrachnophobia hehe)
Spider came to me
on a tangled web of words.
Now my head is full
of sticky threads.
8 pen strokes later,
I am no closer,
But my heart sings
with freedom.
~Caly D 2007
And so I create with Spider's help. 8-) I truly feel that if I walk this Path sincerely, I will find the balance in my life that I seek. In the weeks and months to come I hope to explore each of my Animal Totems fully and will certainly write about what I find.
For those that read this blog, Enjoy
I don't know what you are talking about but it does seem interesting. I like the poem.
Thanks for the comment friend.
Native Americans believe that animals have spirits just like people and that they have things to teach you just like people do. Much like your astrological sign, you have totem animals that are particular to your life for various reasons.
This website has information if you ever want to learn more,
Hello Moonbeam! I'm a friend of Shawny's and thought I'd pop over for a visit. I'm very intirgued by this first post I've read - I have always been into Native American ways (not exactly a "practicer", but love the study of it - a beautiful path of the spirit) ... I also have a special affection for spiders - I need to dig up an old post of mine for you ...
ANYWAY - I digress ... Just wanted to say hi - I'm sure I'll be back soon :)
P.S. Wow ... just noticed the date on this post ... Hope you're still blogging! Though I understand hiatuses - just coming off one myself. Take care!
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