Random Thoughts
Well for once I wish I didn't have time to blog.. *sigh because the reason I have time is I am home and off work today because of a bad tooth. It appears one of my molars has an abcess. It was fine last week before my cleaning, but just my luck that somewhere along the line the filling must have cracked and it got infected. There is No way I can afford a root canal, and even if I could, I am NOT going thru that again. I did that once and it was awful. Besides this is a back tooth and doesn't show, so I am just going to have it pulled on Monday. I told the dentist I lived for 32 years with one missing on the left side (that one abcessed when I was 14) so I would manage without this one. I am just mostly bummed about what this is doing to my finances. My dental insurance sucks as do most of them and I already know I need fillings done in a few weeks so my idea of saving for next years trip to NY is shot. The only good thing is in finding this new dentist, he agreed to fill my teeth rather then do the crowns the first guy wanted. That saves me a bit any way. Have I told you I hate Dentists? I even invested in AFLAC at work to try and help myself out, since I know I have bad teeth and this is just the beginning of what I will need done in the next 20 years, but that is turning out to be a pain too. You can't just submit claims, the dentist has to do it and there is a waiting period depending on the procedure. I tell you, they get you coming and going...
Let's see what else I can talk about. I have great plans for posting all sorts of things in my blog and then the moment passes and I end up with another "I wish I had"...
I do know that I wanted to add a picture .

This one is pretty special to me. It is the latest one of my Son and I- taken when he was down this summer. I know he is still pretty immature, and I have given up alot on him, to move down here and leave him with his Dad. I know it was a trade off, because there are things he needs from his father now that I could never give, and I babied him way too much when I was around, but I still struggle to still be the best mom I can be to a teenager long distance and I wish I could do more. Yet I do think he is a pretty damn good kid deep down and I pray that the fates will be good to him.
Do you know what my mother said when she saw this photo?
"You look old!" Then she said, " I guess I never have anything good to say do I? What I mean is, its the first photo I have seen where you look your age." LOL First of all, how the heck am I suppose to look being 46 and having a 15 year old son? Personally I feel I look pretty damn good! Hehehe Secondly, my mother never does have anything good to say. ROFL The fact that she admitted it though is a big step for her. We have come a long way in the last 2 years as far as our relationship goes. Our trip to visit them next April should be interesting, though I honestly finally think it will go Okay.
Think I am going to leave it at that for now.
Very nice picture Caly.
I like the picture. You both look great! Too me personally, you look happy. When you are happy, you get that bounce in your spirit. It beams out from your physical body. The picture I saw was full of youth and harmony.
(((hugs))) Caly. I hope you feel better soon. Great picture - you look so happy. :)
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