Dykes on a Dike

Finally! I have been waiting to blog about our Sanibel trip till I could figure out a way to post this photo. It wasnt taken digitally so it I had to do a bit of this and that to get in online.
Anyway, I got such a kick out of this sign that I thought we needed photos. It was taken in the Wildlife refuge and they use dikes to keep the water off the trails. I just thought 2 dykes on a dike was funny hehe.
The trip as a whole was incredible as I am sure you have heard K and I both say numerous times at our blogs or the LL board. For me though I realized the other day that it actually was in so many ways our Honeymoon. K and I consider ourselves married in every way but legally and while we have take a few long weekend trips here and there since I moved down, we had not yet taken such a romantic or special trip. The first year we met we made our offical committment to each other in June, but it was a rather tumultous time since K's XH was in the picture and giving us alot of grief. We worked thru all of that and I moved down to TN nine months later, but then after that there was the stress of finding a job, and of course not having any vacation time since I was a new employee. On top of that we were trying to settle into our new life and provide stability for the girls and a way to tell them about us, since they were trying so hard to sort all of this out. Finally in Jan of 2006 we had moved into our "home" together, and since K's X had mellowed and her DDs were now aware of our relationship, we were able to sleep in the same bed every night and actually 'be' a couple in all ways (but legally). So that made our trip our first real get away as a true couple and we renewed our vows to each other on the beach one night which was incredibly romantic. Then to come home and finally find the perfect rings to seal the deal made it the most special time of our lives to date. We may not be doing things in the normal order hehe but we are certainly having the time of our lives. Someday too when the time is right we will have our legal marriage or at least a public committment ceremony.
K is my life and my love and my partner in all and every way. My Lifemate.
Nice play on words. Well, gosh you know, I was aware pretty much about what you two had gone through but after reading it all at once in this post, I needed a break. LOL And, I wasn't there experiencing it.
Picture looks cool btw.
Umm, one picture though is like one Lay's potato chip. But, because you are busy with other stuff, I'll cut you some slack. :)
I'm very glad you two had a wonderful vacation. Here's to many, many more! Cheers!
Take care,
LOL Thanks RJ
I will have to work on posting a few more photos from this roll of film. Mostly they were from the Refuge since the day we went the digital wasn't working right.
You know, you and K really owe it to yourselves to have a real wedding ceremony. There is nothing more profound than to say vows to each other *publicly*, with your friends looking on. It is so powerful and empowering. And it is validating.
I know you are very sincere about being "married" and having enjoyed a honeymoon, and I am not commenting to minimize your experiences, your feelings. I would just hate for you and K to miss out on a very profound and moving experience. It is so validating to stand before a room full of people who give their time to come and stand in support of your marriage. I really encourage you and K to give yourself that experience.
Thanks for your comments Kim, and trust me, nothing would give me greater pleasure then to publicly celebrate our partnership. However not all of us are in the same situation. Though I am quietly "out" at work, I am not sure that the church I work for would permit me to keep my job if they heard about the ceremony and to be honest if I can't be totally open about it, why do it? Besides Kirche is not out at work at all for fear of her job, and most importantly her children are still very young. Katie has no idea what kind of relationship her mother and I have, though she sees us sleeping together, and Caroline still thinks the whole thing is "weird" in her words. I know she is not ready for the major production of a wedding especially if its not yet legal. Its more important that she accept our relationship and grow to understand it first. Finally and for me the biggest reason that I dont 'need' a ceremony to feel married to K, is my faith takes me to a different place. The Goddess has blessed our union in our hearts and I dont need an organized religion to do it, to make it any more 'real'. Yes the validation of friends and family publicly would be nice, but K's parents treat us totally as a couple and I couldnt ask for more.
Your wedding was incredibly special and meant as much to us as to you and Court, and someday when the time is right, under the perfect tree, with those we love watching, we will have our ceremony; and maybe with any luck it will even be legal. We dont plan to miss out on anything in our lifetime! 8-)
To add a few more thoughts regarding marriage, I would just say that I want to do it when I am totally out to my girls. I want to have them there with us and be able to fully understand the love that C and I share. They are still young, and we don't want to force that on them. The time will be right someday, and I have visions of how it will happen. To me, whether or not our vows are spoken publicly, they are still our vows and the meaning they hold is more special than anything else. We have made a commitment to be partners forever and are working toward making all of our hopes and dreams realities. I do want to share them with our friends and family in a special ceremony when the time is right for us.
glad you had a great trip. sounds wonderful. i can't recall how i got here, but enjoy your site. happy weekend
***cough***time for an update***cough*** ***cough*** :D
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