Big Weekend!
Well I got to take 4 days off from work which was well needed and deserved if I do say so myself hehe.. But it was anything but restful .... That we are saving for next month's Florida vacation.
Anyway, I did go to a friend's wedding this weekend and it was Wonderful. It was beautifully done and touch me deeply in many ways. To see Love expressed so fully and openly is very special. It also made me realize how much I want to show the world my love and committment to K. Its a little harder right now because she is not as 'out' as I am, but we have talked about that and she is going to work on being more comfortable sharing more fully who she is with others. I want the world to know the incredible person that I know and have her find the freedom and fulfillment that I found in being who I was completely.
In the meantime, I really want to work on at least finding the money to get a pair of matching committment bands. One thing I have found in the last year is that sometimes the little things can have a big impact. I have been amazed at the number of positive responses I have gotten because I wear small pride pins on some of my jackets and caps. Its not an in your face sort of thing but once again it 'puts me out there' and I like that.
Having some sort of ceremony is something we want for the future too of course. But one step at a time.
The other big happening of the weekend was be getting my Yellow hat back. For those of you not familiar with iVillage; Community Leaders for their message boards have a little yellow hat icon next to their name. I am once again a CL now for the Lesbian Life board. Its a really great forum and I look forward to helping to keep it a fun, safe and exciting place. Its pretty cool to be doing it alongside my partner too, as she is the other CL there. We have come to believe we make a pretty good team in all things.
All in All a good weekend.
psst.. congrats on the cl position!! And thanks for writing about the wedding. Lynne & I were there in spirit(though nobody knew it) lol ~~
Welcome back...
there has been a lot of debate on iV recently over the worthiness of gay parents/relationships, and it's been getting to me. Knowing the angst most of us have suffered through, the issues so associated, and seeing people cut us down post after post (with nothing done about it) is upsetting. One poster in particular has been caring for a very ill child, doing this day after day for years, and these people try to say her family does not count.
They fail to realise that the issues we have with coming out are of their making. They make it difficult to be out, to show the world who our partner might be.
Nice post, Caly...
Thanks Kim and Thanks Nelle.
I know I have been thinking alot about our situation in this world too Nelle and its getting to me too. I am struggling to figure out what to do about it. It feels so futile sometimes but I also see things like Kim and Courtney's wedding and how even though it isnt all of VA that accepts, they have found 50 or more supporters, I realize that every little bit helps and perhaps now those 50 will vote different in the next election because they "know" someone who is gay and they haven't ruined the world..
Anyway, I should save all this for my blog LOL
Congratulations on the CL position at ivillage. I know you'll be a great host. You are right about the great team you and K make.
Take care and regards~
Congrats on the CL position. Thanks for mentioning our wedding. Kim and I were SO happy that you and K were able to come. It really meant a lot to us. Big hugs!
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