Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Daily Fluff

I am trying to figure out a way to blog more. I read others blogs and they always seem to have something to say, and I come here and wonder if people really want to hear my daily fluff or should I wait for something more profund to say.
I know I explored this idea once before in my blog and decided that this blog was a place for me and I wasn't writing it for others. However I must admit that when I do blog something and no one comments, I wonder if anyone is even reading it, or is it "that" boring LOL and I wonder why I bother. OK I admit I just contradicted myself. Typical

Anyway, I have decide at least for awhile, if I have the time, I am going to try and post more of the daily fluff that is my life. A writer once told me when I was working on my poetry, to just write at least one poem a day whether it is good or bad and eventually something will come out of it. At a photo class once, I was told take a whole roll of film (back before digital days LOL) and if you get one good shot out of it, you are doing well. SO I am going to throw more words at the page and see what happens. Once and awhile I may even have something worthwhile to say.. We'll see...

So get this...

Last night I think I had my first hot flash. Hehehe. I am someone who is Always Cold in general, no matter what the temperature. But last night around midnight I woke up and actually felt warm. I was 'glistening' even (as they use to say women don't sweat) and I asked K if we could turn the air conditioner up. It took about 20 minutes after that for me to get comfortable again, and all I could do was lay there thinking.. uh oh.. this maybe it..and laughed. You see there was a standing joke when I was back in VT with all the women I worked with, that because I was Never Hot, they couldnt wait until I started getting hot flashes. I always said I would look forward to them so I could finally be warm. Well guess what? If this is what I have to look forward to, I have changed my mind! Hehehe

Anyway, enough fluff for one day..


At 4/18/2006, Blogger Trop said...

If you really want to know who is reading, subscribe to You will be amazed at how many people are reading, and where they come from. Here are the stats on my blog--and I've only been tracking for a month.

837 81.58% United States
90 8.77% Canada
59 5.75% United Kingdom
10 0.97% Australia
8 0.78% New Zealand
8 0.78% Norway
5 0.49% Netherlands
2 0.19% Luxembourg
1 0.10% Unknown -
1 0.10% Belgium
1 0.10% Switzerland
1 0.10% Taiwan
1 0.10% India
1 0.10% Colombia
1 0.10% Spain

At 4/18/2006, Blogger Ting's Tang said...

wow thats wild.. Its hard to imagine anyone outside of those I know reading this.. but its sort of cool too. Thanks for the tip!


At 4/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really concerned with who reads my blog. I do appreciate those who comment. I like the group of bloggers I have now who do comment and that includes you Moonbeam. I think I have group of understanding, positive blogger support.

I blog because I'm lonely. Ever seen the movie Castaway starring Tom Hanks? He has this soccer ball called Wilson. Well, my blog is one of my Wilsons. LOL

I also blog to enrich my web developing knowledge. It has been bonkers of fun hacking my blog and it has improved my CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) capabilities.

The cherry on top is getting comments. But for me if I don't get a comment on a post, I don't sweat it. I know I'm not everyone's most popular dyke. :)

At 4/21/2006, Blogger gone said...

Caly - I check for new posts on your blog everyday. I read about 5-6 people's blogs a day, and I don't comment as much as I should. Anyway, I just got back from Vegas and you were the first blog I visited. It's nice to hear what's going on in everyones life - boring or not!

OK, I'm off now, to Ting's blog!lol


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