The Importance of Sex...
Dutch Treat
Pressure building
Wetness seeps
between the cracks
Nature's primal force
seeking, wanting, needing,
a release
Someone, Someone
Stick a finger in the dyke
to stem the flow
Ahh -
*Caly D 2006*
LOL Thats what happens when my hormones are raging at the other end of the spectrum and we are staying at my partner's parents house for the weekend .. Hehehe
Certainly not something that I will ever publish or even post at the LL board (It would be a ToS violation), But I did want to save it and share it here, because its a part of me, and kind of fun if I do say so myself. My poetry are my emotions put into words, what ever those feelings may be at the time.
At the LL this week we also happen to be talking about the importance of sex in a relationship. Now when I was married and with the wrong person, I would have rated it a zero. I could have cared less if it ever happened. But now with K, I am just amazed at how my body and my mind crave it, just because she walks in a room.
I do still think though that intimacy and other aspects of sharing and being together are just as important and that intimacy and sex are different things. That is why on a scale I would rank it lower but as you can see from the poem, it is certainly something I value. ROFL
I don't think much about intimacy or sex anymore. It is not apart of my existence. But, I'm glad you are able to experience it.
Take care,
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