Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Another Busy Weekend.

Gosh this has been some month and May is filling up just as fast. One thing I can never say again is that Life is Dull. LOL
Things at work were quiet for the most part this week as people tried to let the reality of David's passing sink in. I just got back from his memorial service which was nicely done. Coming from the Catholic Church which insist you will burn in Hell if you commit suicide, it was reassuring to see a church say, "God forgives you no matter what you do". Its all a little uncomfortable for me of course because of my Pagan theology but I still wanted to help put David's soul to rest and I think we did that.

Speaking of Paganism, one of the things I did this weekend was finally finish redoing my website. I changed over to Bravehost. com since Lycos was giving me nothing but grief and I am really happy with the result. If you would like to check it out here is the link and feel free to leave comments in the guestbook. One of the pages I added to this one, talks about my Paganism and I hope it gives people more insight into who I am.

Another spot that kept me busy this weekend was the LL board. I am really trying to bring some life back to it and have been throwing out the idea of a Book Discussion group there. I have always wanted to belong to belong to one, and it seems to me that online offers a great chance to do that. I hope I can get at least a few people to participate. Looks like the first book we are tackling is Kindred by Octavia Butler.

The final fun escape of the weekend was last night's Lesbian Dance. I SOOO look forward to them because I Love to dance so much and we had to miss the previous 2 because of having company or being out of town. The turn out last night was Super and K and I had a great time. I feel soo energized when I am around family. I would have danced more but K's leg is still bothering her 8-/ Hopefully we can figure out whats wrong with that soon. Still people watching is always fun and we sat at a table with an outgoing bunch so we had a great time no matter what. Looking ahead we may miss the June Dance because Jordan will here (though we can maybe still go) but I hope nothing keeps us from the August one. K and I talked about getting some dance videos too so we can practice at home. That would be awesome.


At 5/01/2006, Blogger gone said...

The dance sounds fun! I am glad you had a good time.
Loved the new website, Jordan is so grown looking since the 8th grade grad pic - must be weird to have a child bigger than you! He's very tall. The girls are beautiful, the littler one looks exactly like Kirche I think. Adorable!

At 5/01/2006, Blogger Ting's Tang said...

Thanks Sandra! Jordan is definately a teenager now and ever so slightly taller then me. LOL He is loving that of course! Yes Katie definately favors Kirche.


At 5/01/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I like your website. The last dance I attended was my prom. :) That's been several years ago. I'll not mention how many either.

At 5/01/2006, Blogger Ting's Tang said...

Thanks Rj, glad you like the website. Dancing is really one of my favorite things, I wish I could do it more!


At 5/02/2006, Blogger Mrs. Dr. S. said...

The dance sounds fun. I was quite impressd with how well you two dance together at the wedding. :) Very nice!

At 5/02/2006, Blogger Ting's Tang said...

Why thank you Courtney! Kirche is even better when I can get her to relax *giggle Hopefully we can all go dancing sometime, that would be a blast!


At 5/03/2006, Blogger Mrs. Dr. S. said...

That would be great. Cool idea Caly!


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