Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Quick Update

I REALLY have wanted to do this for awhile but have just had No time.. I am not going into details LOL its boring. Lets just say that home life has been awesome, wonderful and everything I could want, and work has been a bitch. Enough said.

I was tagged awhile back about my blogging habits and I am not going to copy and paste the whole thing, but I will answer the questions in general.

I started blogging mostly because my partner K did and I figured I would give it a shot. It has been nice to have a place to express myself besides the LL board and where I can write as much for myself (diary style) as for the world, (tell all style).
Is there anything I wont write about in my blog? Yes definately. I may refer to my sex life here but I will never disclose its intimacies. I think those are private between K and I and want to keep it that way. I also wont ever write about our personal lives except in a general context. I love her too much to ever do that. Besides as much as this is my blog, it is not a diary, it is open to the world and I remember that always when I write.
On the other hand, when I do express myself here, its the real me. I usually write the way I talk, no pretense here to be anything other then who I am. You probably get bad grammar and all! Even though I am sure K cringes when she reads it. I am not sure how I would describe my writing style. I often think of myself as talking to you when I type, so I guess its sort of conversational?
I dont use my blog to build friendships. That I do thru the ivillage message boards. This is strictly to share tibits of my life and people can take from it what they may.

Well I wanted to write more, but once again out of time. Its off to the Theater tonight. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

100 Things

I like the idea of sharing 100 things about me but I am not sure I can come up with anything you don't know already from my website or posts but here goes...

1. My name is Carolyn
2. but I go by and prefer Caly
3. I am 46
4. and I found my Sweet Lady when I was 44
5. I also found myself
6. My mother had dominated me most of my life
7. I finally over came it.
8. I am happier now then I ever thought possible.
9. I love being a lesbian and a pagan
10. Life makes sense now.
11. When I was little I loved animals
12. but I was allergic to them.
13. Fortunately I outgrew my allergies to all but cats
14. I became hooked on horses when I was thirteen.
15. I earned a degree in Animal Husbandry
16. But I always wanted to be a teacher.
17. My high school guidance counselor talked me out of it.
18. I use to regret it,
19. I don't any more.
20. I discovered working with food is fun too
21. Also I am pretty good at it *smile
22. Cooking is a family tradition.
23. My grandfather was a baker.
24. My baby brother is a chef.
25. I also have a younger sister.
26. She is in a group home.
27. We have never gotten along.
28. I feel bad about that
29. But its hard to change
30. I am a good person
31. When I finally believed that, I over came my self esteem issues,
32. And my depression.
33. I had thought about suicide once.
34. My best friend Betsy talked me out of it.
35. She will always be my best friend.
36. Now I have a soulmate too.
37. K completes my life
38. And I adore her.
39. Lesbian sex is great.
40. I hated sex with men.
41. I love blueberries best
42. and peaches.
43. I love most vegatables
44. except turnip and lima beans.
45. My favorite food is black beans and rice with salsa and sour cream.
46. I don't drink coffee
47. But I am hooked on sweet tea.
48. I am afraid of dying
49. yet not afraid of death
50. I know my spirit will be at peace.
51. I wish to be cremated
52. and my ashes scattered in the woods by a stream.
53. I am at home with nature.
54. However, terrified of spiders inside my home.
55. My father was bitten once
56. and almost lost his arm.
57. I have 3 tattoos.
58. K has one that matches mine
59. That means everything to me.
60. One of my tats is a ying-yang
61. I believe we need to find balance in all ways and all things to be happy.
62. If the world did this I believe we would have peace.
63. My son was born in 1991

64. I had 2 miscarriages after that.
65. One of them would have been a girl.
66. My partner has 2 daughters
67. So I am helping to raise girls after all.
68. Its harder then I thought.
69. I am a soft butch and a tomboy
70. K has taught me to love shoes though.. hehe
71. But not girly shoes.. 8-P
72. I can't carry a tune if it had a handle
73. but I love to sing.
74. New Age Music has grown to be my favorite.
75. I dont sing along with that.
76. It calms me when I am stressed
77. It feels right, like my Life.
78. I write poetry when the spirit moves me.
79. Someday I want to try macrophotography
80. and perhaps watercolors.
81. Van Gogh is my favorite artist.
82. Cypress trees are suppose to be my tree.
83. Green is my favorite color
84. and has been since I was a kid.
85. I have all of Judy Garland's movies on tape.
86. Kissing K really turns me on. *giggle
87. Someday we want to visit England
88. Medival History fascinates me
89. I love to read books
90. I think I was a monk in a past life.
91. I have small breasts.
92. K doesn't mind.
93. I love to walk on the beach
94. the Gulf of Mexico is my favorite vacation spot
95. I hope we don't live in Knoxville forever.
96. I would like to own a home with K someday.
97. I am proud to be "out"
98. Life is great right now
99. I try to thank the goddess for that everyday
100. There is so much I still want to do with my life