Why is this so hard?
Its stupid really. Im a grown woman and I should know better. Of course I understand deep down why, I am older and they are just kids...but it doesnt make it any easier.. maybe part of it is because it makes me feel so worthless like when I was a kid. When my grandfather died, I wasnt allowed to show any emotion because it would upset my brother and sister and I was "older"...
But you cant help having feelings... I guess what I want most is for someone to understand that.. I cant talk about this... it makes me feel even more worthless, because I cant be the 'bigger person' and just pretend it doesnt matter...
but it makes me feel like I dont matter. I am already considered some sort of sociopathic loser down South and a depraved monster who is going to harm children by my partners ex husband, and those things are eating at my self esteem more each day. I worked so hard for 2 years to convince myself I was a good person and now I have to hide that fact because the kids are 2 young to understand....
I know I'm rambling, I know it makes no sense. I know I just have to 'suck it up' and deal with it, because they do come first and always will...
I guess thats really what I cant talk about because I cant be like 'him'.. I dont ever want to be like 'him'....
but have you ever wanted to just once feel .... no I wont say it... It doesnt matter... My mom is right, when you have kids your not suppose to be happy..
Its just with my age and the kids ages, Im not sure I will live to get a chance to be happy... I was given this gift of a soulmate, but for how long? I fear dying so much...
Can ANYONE understand how hard it is to Love someone soo much and have to hide that Love? To be in the same room and have to pretend you dont exist.. to need Touch sooo much and not be allowed to touch? Because it makes you some depraved monster?
I know some of this is hormones... Hell Im 45 and going thru perimenopause on top of it all....
The world has an awful sense of humor doesnt it?............