Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Sunday, September 24, 2006

"Night Whispers"

Hear the silence
as it beckons you.
Soft white wings,

like raindrops
What lies beyond the dream?

A shimmering light
pierces the night,
but only to the
unseen eye.
Music plays,

the water flute,
dark and light
are one.

We are here.
We dance.
Like a dream
Join us,
and know
the truth.

**Caly D 2006**

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Can't judge a Book...

We all know you can't judge a book by its cover. I just finished reading a book I had really looked forward too because of its title and synopsis. It was called A Seahorse Year and it really wasn't very good at all. My blog isn't about that though, its about another kind of book you can't judge, People.

When I first met Glenn a year ago, he made me nervous. If I had met him at night on the street, I would have been down right scared. He looked like a poster child for the homeless. Long thin hair, unkempt beard, dirty baseball cap and leathery skin.
This man was working in my kitchen though.

He started as a volunteer and was a friend of my then cooks, Larry and Doris. He came everyday and helped for hours doing anything they asked. He was quiet, and pretty much came and went like the wind. I don't think we exchanged 6 words a week. I watched and saw that for all his outward appearance, he washed his hands religiously when he handled food and seemed to know what he was doing. It worked for me...

Then this Spring, Doris became ill, and she and Larry decided to retire (they were husband and wife). So I found myself needing 2 new cooks. One of the men they recommended was Glenn. I was skeptical at first, but its hard to find people to take a job that only pays $6.50 an hour these days (I have no control over salary) so I was willing to give him a shot.

This book turned out to be a bestseller.

Glenn has turned out to be the best employee or co-worker that I have ever had the pleasure to work with in 25 years. He is dependable, honest, hard working and fun. He has the driest but sweetest sense of humor around. We have a wonderful working relationship and friendship.
Now Glenn is dying.

Hopefully not soon, but he has cancer. He was diagnosed a few months ago with throat cancer. At the time they gave him a 60/40 chance he told me. Unfortunately things stink in this country and health care for him has been an issue. Before he worked for me, he qualified for indigent health care and all was paid for. Now because he works full time he no longer is entitled to that, but while he could afford to purchase our health plan at work, its only 80/20 coverage, and there is no way he can afford 20% of these potential medical bills on $6.50 an hour. So now in order to get any treatment, he must quit his job and go to a VA hospital. Life Sucks.

I also am very afraid that he has waited to long. Being a man of course, he didnt seem concerned at first, and was then told he needed to have his teeth pulled before they would do radiation, because they would fall out anyway. That took a month to have done. Then he just sort of let it slide. I think he was in denial about it all. Now though he is starting to feel bad and that is what worries me. He talks about it being the end, and I am sad. I am sure he wont get the kind of aggressive treatment that someone with unlimited income can afford. This is his last week working.

I am going to miss him.

The other day, we filled out his exit interview paperwork. I had written that he was the best person I ever had the pleasure to work with and I meant it. He told me, I was the best boss he ever had, because I was so easy to train. LOL Thats what I mean about his sense of humor. It made me tear up though because a year ago I had misjudged him so.

Some books with dusty covers are classics and I don't want this book to end..