Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me.... hehe

Wow 46!

I'm sitting here trying to think back to when I was a kid and what I thought my life would be like when I was this age, but I don't remember. Perhaps that is a sign of age? LOL Actually I do remember as a kid not thinking much past 40 and thinking how 'old' that would be. Hehehe

Truly I have never felt younger in my life. Most young women dread their 40s and you see all the commercials on TV how you need to take care of yourself to keep from looking like you are 40. But in reality most women (myself included) who are in their 40's say its the best time of their life. Its true. I have more confidence, self esteem and contentment then ever, and while some of that comes from having this awesome wonderful special Lady and Partner in my life. A good part of it just comes from the wisdom gained in the last 46 years and how that changes your perspective on things. I am fortunate too to been in OK shape at the moment and good health. Though mornings do take longer to get going... Hehehe

Anyway in sooo many ways today is a good day. We had an great 2 days with the girls even though poor Katie is sick again. And the clarity that comes with balanced hormones, helps me to see that this really will all work out better then I could have hoped. We even had dinner with K's XH last night which was a bit bizzare of course, but nice to see that even that relationship has potential to be an OK one.

Now I get to look forward to an incredibly wonderful weekend with my Sweet Lady. We have tommorrow off and we are going to spend it, totally and completely relaxing. Something we have talked about soooo much *grin
But I suppose if I want to enjoy tommorrow I best go get things settled at work do I dont need to worry about anything there.

The birthday girl.. "over and out" 8-)


At 1/26/2006, Blogger Ting said...

Happy Birthday to you, Sweetheart! You rock my world every day of the year! I love you! *Kiss

At 1/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Glad that you'll have a relaxing day together. Hugs!

At 1/27/2006, Blogger Trop said...

Happy Birthday Caly. May you live a long and happy life forever with Ting. Cheers!


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