Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Friday, September 16, 2005

Back to being a Poet

Well now that I am truly settled both here in TN and with my life with my Sweet Lady *big grin, I feel like I need to get back to being a Poet. Pursing that dream of being published feels like its not an impossiblity anymore and one of my first steps to find the time to get back to Poet's Workshop, another of the boards at iVillage. I was pleased to go there last night and find that the woman who has been my mentor is back as CL after stepping down for a few months so that really made me happy! I posted the What is Poetry? poem there and it was well recieved which is a good start back. Pat the CL told me to make sure I tried the Sept form. One of the things that is so fun about PW is it really stretches you to write in different ways. There are hundreds of different "forms" that poetry can take, like a sonnet for one, or a haiku to name another well known one. But at PW they have fun with the more obsure forms too. The September form is known as Skeltonic Verse and named for the English Poet who came up with it. It is also known as "tumble verse". Its really rather fun and for me right up my alley since I like to right in the short line short verse format. So here is my first stab at it...

No Escape

Hate the cold
gets so old
moving was a bold
next step
with pep
follow the sun
so down I run
lets have more fun
in the south
Shut my mouth

Feeling better
though slightly wetter
we'll always be fettered
by weather
it seems
like a dream
I once had
just be glad
no longer sad
nor mad
for Mother Nature's won
this one.

~Caly D 2005~


At 9/18/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your writing Caly. Thanks for sharing.

I've written poetry but don't know much about the different types. I began writing as a child to deal better with the abuse I experienced. Writing is an outlet for me.


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