Never underestimate the Power of Love
My sweet sweet Lady cheered my heart today when I needed it most. No matter how many times you hear "I Love You", sometimes when it comes in a card or note at an unexpected time, its power is tenfold. 8-)
I was down today because I found out "our" time next week will be cut short because we will have K's 2 young daughters 2 days that normally would be time they are with Dad. Now having the girls is not what got me down. I love them to pieces and I would never keep my Baby from her babies, I know how being away from your children feels....
No what has me so frustrated is the fact that we when her X says 'jump" we have to say "How high?" because on a whim he has to power to ruin our lives by taking the girls away from us. All because we live in Tennessee. Its just so hard sometimes because the one thing I promised myself when I pulled myself out of my depression back in 2003 that NO ONE would ever control my life again the way I had let My X and my mother control it. Now I find myself in a situation totally beyond my control. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhh. It just makes me so sad sometimes. I just dont want anyone to think its that I dont want the girls around. I just want to be able to be a "real" Family and live and love my K like any other person in this world..
That and the fact that because we have the girls this week and that Monday and Tuesday next week will be hard days because of my colonoscopy. I sort of had my heart set on a small intimate 'celebration' Tues night, IF my test results were good. Im soo scared they wont be though.. but no time for that fear today...
K's card today however sent my heart soaring just to read the words so sweetly written. All I have ever wanted in my Life is to be needed and K Needs me and that is enough..... 8-)
I have one abbrevation for you. And, note this is my personal made up abbrevation. Made up as of today.
Hump Day Hug
I made that abbrevation up this morning. Who says you can't think in the wee hours? :) Some might ask why I was making this up in the wee hours of the morning, but... :) It's called tapping into your crazy side on the AM. :)
Okay enough silly humor. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. Take care friend.
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