Cool Week
I have had the coolest week and Tropopause if you are reading this, you will be very proud of me. Hehe.
I do know that its time to put some of my energy into changing the world. Margaret Mead said "Never doubt that a small group of committed citizen can change the world, Indeed, its the only thing that ever does."
Anyway, I have joined the local HRC Meetupgroup and intend to become a member of TEP which is the Tennessee Equality Project. I went to a meeting last Thursday and got to meet one of our local representatives to State Legislature and learn a little of what the outlook is for Gays in TN. Not great if we dont do Something! Fortunately we do have a few supporters in the Legistlature and an awesome Lobbist on our side. But I do realize now how important it is for ALL of us to speak up in some way, IF we expect change. No one else is going to do it for us.
But the other cool things that came out of this meeting, was that I met a contributing editor to the Local Gay Newspaper. "Out and About". She is an great lady and was much impressed by my story of moving all the way to TN to be with my Sweet Lady. She has asked if she can do a story on me for the next issue! I am very honored. Not that I think I did anything special (nothing more then anyone else would do for someone they loved) But if sharing my story will help someone else have the strength to make positive changes in their life too then it means alot to me. Ontop of this she also gave me a lead on having my Poem published 8-) ~ and has turned me on to some info that is helping me find the Goddess within me... Unfortunately I will have to address that in my next blog entry... so like the season finale of your favorite show... I leave you with....... TO BE CONTINUED.... *giggle
You go grrl! I'm very impressed and quite proud of you! Buy an extra copy of the issue in which your story appears--I want it!
Congats! I'm patiently waiting on this to be continued.
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