Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Friday, August 12, 2005

Date Night

A chance to reconnect. I dont think either of us realized how much we needed to do that. You can be so close to a person everyday and not really 'be there', its pretty wild. I think what happened is we have spent soo much of the past year being able to be totally there for each other, that the change to having our Kids and work and families needing us too, just became alot to juggle and because our Love is so strong, we kept connected that way, but when you are soulmates with a person, the connections go so much deeper then that.

Last night's date produced a poem, but it only speaks to one aspect of our reconnection. Sooooo much more of it was emotional and mental and spiritual then just the physical. But I truly dont have the words to express those feelings. It was incredible and wonderful and fullfilling in ways I hadnt even imagined when I decided we needed a date night.

It was fun too! hehe I bought K a rose and actually left the apartment and came around again to front door to 'pick her up' for our date. We went to the movies and held hands and just relaxed before coming home to music and candles and a bit of romance. This poem speaks to that part of the night...

7 Votives

Flames form a sanctuary
Darken the universe
Create our world

Heat builds
Unfed by flame
Inner fire burns

Hot night
Dripping wax
Wetness fuels the flame


Well I would love to write more but work calls......


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