Moon Shadows

Reflections on Life

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Girls Girls Girls.........

Now I am a Lesbian and I love women. I am comfortable around women and wouldn't want it any other way. However........... I am also a Butch. And while I adore my Femme partner and cherish her daughters last night got a wee bit scarey for this tomboi who raised a son and spent 5 years as a cub scout leader surrounded by teeming testosterone. LOL

The original idea didnt sound so bad. K's oldest DD wanted to have a sleepover for her birthday party. It was only going to be 4 girls. Having withstood the challenge of cub scout den meetings with 9 boys and a week or 2 at Camp Sunrise with over a 100 I figured piece of cake. Well let me tell you the Cake was the easy part. 8-)

It started off with all of us climbing into K's van to head to Wasabi for dinner (Japanese Steakhouse by the way) I was immediately thrown into the world of sing song cheers (that didnt contain bodily functions) and this gaggle of giggling girls talking non stop about the latest fashion. It was a bit eerie to realize that I didnt understand a word they were saying.......
The meal itself was a bit better as we were seated with 2 other older couples and one of the gentlemen ( a man after my own heart hehe) began teasing the girls and telling them that the japanese soup would make their feet smell. LOL I had visions of how my son would have reacted. The girls did get a bit silly and explain how one young lady at school (not at the party thank goodness) did indeed have the stinkiest feet they knew, but that was the extent of the bawdy conversation for the evening.
Back home we first had cake and presents. I did feel really good to hear one child say "I dont like cake, but this is good" ( I had baked the cake) It was heartwarming then to hear the birthday girl say "Caly is special tonight, she baked the perfect cake" As someone trying so hard to find a place in my new family that made my night. But I digress.

From this point on the evening became a feminine blur... One of the gifts received was a large child's cosmetics kit that more items in it then a tackle box, and most I couldnt name. Once it was opened I quickly found a safe perch up off the floor away from the cloud of glitter and watched this group of grade school grecian goddesses do their thing. My partner K just kept looking over at me and smiling as she helped her youngest daughter join in the (dare I say) Fun. They did appear to be having a great time, though this tomboi could only imagine how and made sure that my shoes (sensible wallabee boots mind you) stayed on my feet, as K keep threatening to paint my toes. *grin
All in all it was an experience unique to this pocket knife totting, baseball cap wearing Butch, who could only marvel at the scene and fondly recall similar evenings, only perched on a dirty log around a campfire, eating marshmallows off an unwashed stick and discussing the best pokemon battle tatics.
Sunday Football is looking mighty good this week! ROFL


At 9/11/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute read Caly. Hey, you wanna bake me a bday cake next year? Me loves cake. :) And, of course you know I'm picking. Though if you were closer by, I wouldn't be kidding! :)

At 9/11/2005, Blogger Trop said...

Sounds like a great time. I fondly remember sleep-overs with Amanda and her grrlfriends. Those were the days. Great blog!

At 9/12/2005, Blogger Ting said...

I'm so glad you were there, Sweetheart! It was so much fun watching you watching them and getting to know them.

Love you! *Kiss

P.S. Better watch out--one morning you may wake up with your toenails painted! I'm not giving up yet!


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